Legal support of cryptocurrency exchange operator creation procedure
- Analysis of the estimated business model for compliance with the applicable legislation, consulting on the specifics of the type of activity;
- Support of the procedure for creating a legal entity and opening a corporate bank account;
- Development and preparation of the company's local legal acts covering all the processes of the cryptoplatform (risk management, internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, KYC procedures, the main business processes of the company, the trading procedure and available transactions on the crypto platform, etc.);
- Development of specific documentation: "White Paper" declarations regarding various types of tokens and digital assets, settlement the procedure for trading tokens, drafting a contract for participation in token trading;
- Advising on compliance with the requirements of the internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, the KYC procedure, preparation of significant local legal acts;
- Legal support in the process of completing a documentary audit.
Legal support of cryptobroker creation procedure
- Analysis of the estimated business model for compliance with the applicable legislation, consulting on the specifics of the type of activity;
- Advising clients on the specifics of the activity type and the scope of services that a cryptobroker is entitled to provide;
- Support of the procedure for creating a legal entity and opening a corporate bank account;
- Development and preparation of the company's local legal acts covering all the processes of the cryptoplatform (risk management, internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, KYC procedures, the main business processes of the company, the trading procedure and available transactions on the crypto platform, etc.);
- Development of specific documentation: commission agreement and contract for the provision of payment services, contractual binding of partnerships between a cryptobroker and an cryptocurrency exchange operator, etc.;
- Analysis of the financial model, drafting and formation of a complete package of documents;
- Legal support in the process of completing a documentary audit;
Legal support of cryptoexchange creation procedure
- Analysis of the estimated business model for compliance with the applicable legislation, consulting on the specifics of the type of activity;
- Support of the procedure for creating a legal entity and opening a corporate bank account;
- Development and preparation of the company's local legal acts covering all the processes of the cryptoplatform (risk management, internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, KYC procedures, the main business processes of the company, the trading procedure and available transactions on the crypto platform, etc.);
- Advising on compliance with the requirements of the internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, the KYC procedure, preparation of significant local legal acts;
- "Turnkey" preparation of a business-project: analysis of the financial model, drafting and formation of a complete package of documents;
- Legal support in the process of completing a documentary audit;
Legal support of mining-company creation procedure
- Analysis of the estimated business model for compliance with the applicable legislation, consulting on the specifics of the type of activity;
- Support of the procedure for creating a legal entity and opening a corporate bank account;
- Development and preparation of the company’s local legal acts, consolidation of corporate business processes at the level of local documentation;
- Assistance in the preparation of documentation for the import of mining equipment under legislative conditions (in case of compliance with the requirements for the provision of benefits);
- "Turnkey" preparation of a business-project: analysis of the financial model, drafting and formation of a complete package of documents.
Legal support of ICO-initiator creation procedure
- Analysis of the estimated business model for compliance with the applicable legislation, consulting on the specifics of the type of activity;
- Support of the procedure for creating a legal entity and opening a corporate bank account;
- Development and preparation of the company’s local legal acts, consolidation of corporate business processes at the level of local documentation;
- Development of specific documentation: "White Paper" declarations regarding various types of tokens and digital assets, a contract for participation in token trading, a standard ICO contract, etc.;
- Advising on compliance with the requirements of the internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, the KYC procedure, preparation of significant local legal acts;
- Assistance in the preparation of documentation for the import of mining equipment under legislative conditions (in case of compliance with the requirements for the provision of benefits);
- "Turnkey" preparation of a business-project: analysis of the financial model, drafting and formation of a complete package of documents.
Legal support of projects based on “blockchain” technology
- Support for the implementation of tokens in the business models of projects from various spheres of the economy;
- Elaboration of legal issues related to the development of platforms based on blockchain technology;
- Advising on taxation issues related to the token transactions and other digital assets;
- Advising on compliance with the requirements of the internal control rules regarding AML/CFT, the procedure for conducting KYC procedures, preparation of necessary local legal acts;
- Consulting on decentralized financing (DeFi);
- Advising various crypto business entities on taxation of cryptocurrency transactions;
- Preparation of the full package of internal and public legal documents (terms and conditions, privacy policy, model agreement with partners) for the NFT-marketplace.
Cryptocurrency platform operator
Providing legal support for the establishment of a crypto platform operator (crypto exchange) on a turnkey basis: from the stage of setting up a legal entity to the launch of a crypto exchange.
Mining Ecosystem
Full legal support for the launch of a large mining project, which included two locations where computing facilities were located. The total investment in the project exceeded 40 million US dollars. As part of the project, an investment project for modernization (re-equipment) of the mining infrastructure was also prepared.
NFT- marketplace
Elaboration of the business model of an NFT-marketplace for a company from Cyprus, preparation of all the necessary legal documents for the launch of the project, development of contractual binding of relations with partners.
Mining Company
Full legal support for the launch of the mining company's operations under a custom business model, as part of which the mining company also provides software development services.
Advertising Platform
Full legal support for an open advertising platform for real-time bidding, planning to deal with crypto investments and blockchain.
Sports Media
Full legal support of the first-ever sports blockchain-based media. Legal support included, in particular, the choice of a «crypto-friendly» jurisdiction, blockchain licensing and tax consulting.
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