Great problem solving skills and out of the box thinking.
Our services
1. Advising lenders and borrowers
- Lender’s side:
- Preparation of term sheet, financial documents;
- Borrower’s audit;
- Advising on contract enforcement and drafting relevant agreements;
- Conclusion of an agreement on non-judicial procedure of debt collection;
- Negotiations with a borrower;
- Preparation of legal opinion.
- Borrower’s side:
- Support of raising of funds from banks, international financial instututions;
- Counseling on foreign stock exchanges entry;
- Drafting financial agreements, security agreements;
- Negotiations with counterparties, preparation of legal opinions.
2. Debt restructuring
- Analysis of legal risks for an existing financial model;
- Assessment of possible options and legal consequences of new model;
- Preparation of legal position;
- Complete legal documentation package preparation for formalizing a new model (including corporate and security documents, authorization documents);
- Legal support of a deal.
3. Fintech and general financial regulation
- Consulting on banking business, financial services and securities market in Belarus;
- Regulatory aspects of establishment and operation of banks, Forex-companies, payment platforms and providers of alternative financial products;
- Licensing.
4. Currency regulation and control
- Consulting in the field of currency regulation and control;
- Application for permissions of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;
- Consulting on investments made by natural and legal persons abroad;
- Foreign trade contracts.
IPO EvroTorg
Acting as a local legal advisor for the largest Belarusian grocery retail network – Eurotorg – in connection with its $300 million IPO and listing on the London Stock Exchange.
Supporting EBRD in granting a secured loan in the amount of 20 million euros to EuroTorg LLC, a major Belarusian retail chain. We carried out legal auditing, analysed the loan agreement, elaborated and negotiated terms and conditions, monitored signature of documents on the provision of security and prepared a legal opinion.
Issue of EvroTorg's bonds on Moskow Stock Exchange
We assisted a major Belarusian retail chain, Eurotorg LLC, in placing their bonds at Moscow Exchange (MOEX), with a total value of 5,000,000,000 Russian roubles, in particular we issued a legal opinion on company’s capacity and validity of transaction documents. The placement became the first one of Belarusian corporate bonds in recent 10 years.
A EBRD's financial support programme
Advising to EBRD with regard to a prospective programme for the financial support of small and mid-sized businesses and environmental protection. The services involved interaction with main regulatory authorities, comprehensive analysis of models of provision of gratuitous financing (in particular, taxation matters and international obligations of the Republic of Belarus), and delivery of a comprehensive summary.
Cylinders Holding
Advising to Cylinders Holding, a major Czech commercial company having a subsidiary in the Republic of Belarus, with regard to providing of a secured loan (EUR 6,500,000) from Czech bank, including analysis of loan agreement and issuance of a legal opinion on borrower’s legal capacity.
Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR)
Legal support for the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) under an LTE network construction project in Belarus, in particular preparation of a loan agreement, contract of pledge and foreclosure agreement; negotiations with borrower; legal opinion for borrower.